Hydrant Flushing Continues Tuesday 10/15

As part of our water main maintenance program, hydrant flushing will continue on Tuesday October 15, 2024 from 8am to 4pm, weather permitting. Yellow signs will be in place around the flushing areas. We recommend delaying clothes washing until ...

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Hydrant Flushing Program

The Water District has instituted a water main and hydrant flushing program for the fall of each year. The flushing hours will be from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please watch for the Yellow Signs we will post in ...

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Well Exploration Program

We have been working with the Department of Conservation of Recreation (DCR) and our local Legislators to locate a new water source to add to our water system.

Preliminary testing done in 2016 on a parcel owned by the DCR near our existing Pleasant Valley Well has shown promising results.  We are currently working with our engineering consultant to move forward with the next phase – which includes well drilling, an extended pumping test, water quality testing, environmental monitoring and the ...

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Water Main Replacement Program

We have operated the water system for West Boylston since 1939.  Our underground infrastructure of the water system consists of over 56 miles of water mains throughout the town. The district provides, on average, over 1/2 million gallons of water per day to approximately 6,000 residences and businesses.

About 50 miles, or almost 90% of the our water mains are currently made of asbestos cement (AC).  Most water mains that are installed today are made of ductile iron (DI). The majority ...

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