Property Transfers are handled with no interruption of service. The account for your water service will transfer to the new owner name once a signed new owner application is received by the Water District. A signed new owner application MUST be received within 30 days of closing in order to avoid interruption of service.
Moving To Town?
New residents who purchase their home can click here to download a new owner application: New Owner Application
New residents who are renting should have their landlord contact us at 508-835-3025 no less than 10 business days before moving in.
Water usage is billed quarterly based on the area of town you live in. To find out when to expect quarterly water usage bills, please click here.
Sewer usage is not billed by the Water District, but by the Town of West Boylston. Sewer customers can download an application for sewer service here: Application for Sewer Service
Moving From Town?
Current customers or their representative should notify the West Boylston Water District with information on when they will relinquish the property no later than 10 business days before the closing. We will do a final meter reading for a fee of $40.00*, which will be included in the final water usage billing. If the Water customer is also on Town Sewer, the usage will be forwarded to the Sewer Division for the final sewer billing to be calculated and sent to Town Hall. A no liens letter for water will be issued when the final bill is paid. The new customer information will be taken at this time as well.
*Additional fees apply if a final reading is ordered less than (7) business days from the closing date. Final readings are good for (14) days.
Building In Town?
Customers for a new water service must complete an application in one of three categories: Residential, Multi-dwelling/Commercial or Sub-division/Development, and must be installed by an approved drainlayer. Please contact the DPW at 508-835-4820 for a drainlayer's list.
These new services are subject to connection and services fees.
Residential applications for 1" services can be found here.
For Multi Dwelling/Commercial or Sub-Division/Development fees, please see Rates and Billing. Additionally, these categories may require an impact study as all new water services must meet the specifications determined by the West Boylston Water District. Please see our Rules and Regulations page, and contact us at 508-835-3025 for information.
Construction Meters Hydrant meter rentals are available for seasonal work or construction that requires water but no connection is available or has been made to the property yet. Fees must be prepaid and the District must inspect the connection before usage is taken. To apply for a hydrant meter rental, please use this FORM. More information regarding this service can be obtained through the office at 508-835-3025.