Where do we get your water?

The water provided by the West Boylston Water District is derived from groundwater, rather than surface water sources.  None of the water provided by the District is from the Wachusett Reservoir.  Currently, the District maintains three gravel packed wells and four storage facilities. We are proud of the quality of water we provide.  Please see our Water Quality page for more information.

The Water District has taken an active approach to protecting its groundwater supply sources.  Working with the Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Water District has obtained Zone II Delineations for all of our wells.  A Zone II Delineation determines the land area that contributes ground water to a water source.  The MassDEP's Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) program produced a report that assessed the susceptibility of our public water supply to potential sources of contamination.  Knowing where the potential threats lie allows us to monitor the potential problems closely.

In addition, the SWAP report recommended that the District propose amendments to the Aquifer and Watershed Protection District Bylaw, adopted by the Town of West Boylston in 1994.  These modifications include providing specific language within the Bylaw prohibiting landfilling of wastewater and septage residuals from Zone II and prohibiting expansion of impervious surface on existing non-residential land within Zone II such that the total impervious surfaces are not greater than 10% of the lot size.The West Boylston Water District's distribution system consists of approximately 56 miles of water mains, ranging from 2 to 16 inches in diameter.  Most of the mains are 8 inch or less in diameter.  From 1939 until the late 1970's, the primary material of the mains was asbestos cement (AC).  Since that time, newly constructed mains are PVC or cement lined ductile iron mains.


There is one primary booster pump station on West Boylston Street that boosts water from the low service area to the high service area.  In addition, there are 3 other booster stations that service smaller residential areas.  They are located on Western Avenue, Laurel Street and at the Lee Street pump station.Though it is located in town, none of the water supplied by the West Boylston Water District comes from the Wachusett Reservoir.  The Wachusett Reservoir is part of the water system run by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority that provides water for Boston and surrounding communities.  When it was completed in 1905, the Wachusett Reservoir was the largest public water supply reservoir in the world.

Lee Street Well: (PWS ID #2321000-04G)

  • Located off Lee Street

  • Constructed in 1966

  • Approximately 56 feet deep

  • DEP approved pumping rate of 250 gallons per minute

  • Part of the Lee Street Wellfield.  Wells No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 have been abandoned due to poor water quality.

Oakdale Well: (PWS ID #2321000-01G)

  • Located off Thomas Street

  • Constructed in 1956

  • Approximately 56 feet deep

  • DEP approved pumping rate of 725 gallons per minute.

Pleasant Valley Well: (PWS ID #2321000-06G)

  • Located off Temple Street

  • Constructed in 1970

  • Approximately 111 feet deep

  • DEP approved pumping rate of 500 gallons per minute.

Lawrence Street Storage Facility No. 1

  • Constructed in 1940

  • Concrete, arched, underground reservoir approximately 72 feet by 89 feet by 9 feet

  • 430,000 gallon capacity with an overflow elevation of 794 feet

Lawrence Street Tank No. 2

  • Constructed in 1978

  • 90 foot diameter, 23 feet high, concrete tank

  • 1,200,000 gallon capacity with an overflow elevation of 794 feet

Oakdale Tank

  • Constructed in 1958

  • 50 foot diameter, 38 feet high, concrete tank

  • 500,000 gallon capacity with an overflow elevation of 638 feet

Stockwell Road Tank

  • Constructed in 1965

  • 70 foot diameter, 38 feet high, concrete tank

  • 1,000,000 gallon capacity with an overflow elevation of 638 feet