Occasionally, the water system experiences disruptions that may stir up mineral sediment from the bottom of the water mains that can make their way into your home. Generally, these are few and far between, and can be quickly pushed through with some aggressive flushing. These occurrences happen during and after water main breaks, at the beginning of the watering season when irrigation systems are turned on, during high-usage times (usually summer weekends), during fire flow testing, and hydrant flushing. If ...
Continue Reading →Water Use Restrictions
Outdoor water use restrictions are in place every June 1 through September 30.
We kindly ask West Boylston Water District customers to restrict outdoor watering to odd and even days (ie, if you live at 7 Goodale Street, limit watering to the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc. of the month; if you are at 6 Goodale, the 2nd, 4th, 6th etc) and between the hours of 7pm and 7am only.
Of course there are instances where these restrictions are exempted. More information can ...
Continue Reading →Your Drinking Water Meets All Federal And State Mandates
Click HERE to view the full 2022 report on water quality in West Boylston.
Moving To or From Town?
The Water District is happy to help you facilitate the sale/purchase of a new residence in West Boylston. Information on what to do and what to expect can be found on our New Customers page. Feel free to call us at 508-835-3025 with any questions!
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Continue Reading →The Town of West Boylston has issued the latest sewer bills
The DPW has issued the latest sewer usage billing
For our sewer customers, please remember that you are being billed for last quarter’s usage . Please look at your previous quarter’s usage/dates for comparison. Also please remember that the sewer division has different rates then the Water District. Make sure you are paying the Town of West Boylston and sending payment to 140 Worcester Street, not us. For more information on sewer usage billing can be found ...
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